Rainy River Business Consulting

Website Design
Business Marketing
Customer Service Training
Brochure Design & Printing

"Our business is making your business better."
About Us

Bev and Gary Brougham are natives of Ontario and Michigan, respectively, who managed to take early retirements from their primary careers and move to northern Michigan. After visiting and living here for almost 30 years, they saw a need to share their combined 60 years of business, supervisory and computer skills with the small  businesses of Northeastern Michigan.

Beverly Brougham has 30 years business and  commercial insurance sales and management experience including:
Michigan’s Insurance Woman of the Year
Manager of one of Southeastern Michigan’s largest independent insurance      agencies
Manager of one of Alaska’s largest insurance offices with experience in sales &  customer service
Insurance Seminar Instructor-MI & AK
Seminar Design & Presentation
National & International Convention  Facilitator for Insurance and Adult Foster Care Agencies
Retail sales and management
Adult Foster Care Quality of Life Surveys/Evaluations
Manager, Senior Citizen Apartment Complex, HUD Regulations, C.O.S.

Gary Brougham, a graduate of Michigan Tech with a degree in Mathematics has 25 years  experience as a geophysicist with the Dept. of  Commerce ( NOAA) and Dept. of Interior (U.S.G.S. and BLM) as both a  “field soldier” and a manager, with service in both the Antarctic and Arctic. Experience includes:
         Oil and Gas Economic Evaluation Manager
         Field Supervisor
         Computer Programming, Repairs and Procurement, manager.
Personal Computer Experience since1980